
Good study enviroment


Creating a good study environment takes a little planning. It is well worth the time as the end result will be much more productive study time. Many people fail to do this and wonder why they cannot concentrate. After a couple of times of studying the right way, most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying. Read on to learn how to create a good study environment.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need:

* Quiet location
* Natural or indirect synthetic light
* Comfortable chair


Know concentration is key. Reduce every possible distraction. Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people. If you can, turn off your cell phone. If you are studying on your computer--don't get distracted by emails and social networking sites.

Check out the level of lighting in your area. If it is too dim, your eyes will be strained and leave you tired and wanting to close your eyes. Sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think. Florescent lights can leave your eyes tired as they are flickering off and on and your eyes have to adjust constantly. Indirect lighting over your work area usually works best.

Choose a comfortable seat. It should have a good back support and a good seat. Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don't find your self laying flat after a few minutes. The whole point of studying is to be able to concentrate on the study matter and not on a sore back.

Turn on some music. Now this is for the person who needs the background noise to tone out all the little noises of life going on. If you find your self thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you.

Keep something to drink and snack on close by to keep your blood sugar stable. Obviously sugary foods will give you a quick rush but you will also have a quick low afterward. Simple veggies or fruit are good choices or crackers--something not too high in calories. Just realize that this is a perfect scenario for mindless eating since you will be thinking about your studies and without thinking you will eat a whole bag of potato chips.


Jai jinendra

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