
All reality is relation

Ahimsa, the most important tenet in jainism, explores the psychological intent to hurt and harm another and turns the focus inward from an actual act of violence to the intentionality of the act.
Ahimsa is seen as the abjuring of violent and hurtful thoughts for another peson is possible only when we realise the relevance of 'parasparopagraho jivanam' the concept of interdependence. All life is inextricably connected and ahimsa is nothing but expression and mindfulness of natural empathy for another.
Ahimsa , an ethical principle , is rooted in jaina metaphysics of anekantavada which details that many sideness or anekanta od reality; that no single point of view can be construed as being the whole truth. The story of the five blind men who gave their own perspective of the elephant is a good example of the way we tend to see one or two aspects of anything and perhaps jump to the conclusion that what we perceive to be is the whole truth. There could be as many versions of the truth as there are those trying to comprehend it.
Wish you happy Mahaveer Jayanthi.
Jai Jinendra.

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