


When i saw twin rainbow in the sky and a bird whistled from a nearby bush, i sighed for your smiling eyes. It matters not how long we live, but how long we love.

A loveless life is a premature death.

Frustrated and neglected love is the root of all sins.

Love cannot come back to you unless you give it. The more you give of it, the more keeps returning to you.

Love is the measles- all the worse when it comes late in life.

Nothing can happen more beautiful than love

Ugliness resides in skin,
Beauty resides in heart,
Love resides in soul.

Don't demand love.Deserve it.

Love never hurts , harasses or humiliates ,
It only helps , heals and harmonises.......

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are being love in spite of all our faults and imperfections.

Jai jinendra

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