
Health is wealth


Today, the number of hospitals beds available is seen as a parameter for urbanisation are economic growth. In reality it should be other way around. The ultimate healthcare goal should be eradicate the need for hospitals; Today people spend half of their health is in earning wealth and then spend all of their wealth in regaining their lost health. And we consider this a sign of progress.

In days of your , there was no CT scan , no MRI yet the benchmark was much higher . People live longer , they were healthier and more importantly they were happier.

We need to look at urban healthcare in a holistic manner. Just creating healthcare in frastructure will not build a healthy society. Today, there is hatred in society there is greed,fear and because of this depression and stress has set on. Stress is one of the biggest cause of urban health problems, it is appalling to hear that in the coming decades depression will be the number one disease in the world.

So what is being healthy? If you are feeling rough inside, then you are not healthy; if your mind is stiff and not calm, you are not mentally healthy. When your emotions are rough, you are emotionally not healthy.

Yoga is the best meditation for keep you systems free from stress. Yoga release your tension , negative emotion and help one to live in the present moment,

In this busy world we care very little for our emotional and spiritual needs. Neither at home nor in school,do we learn how to release negative emotions.

Practices such as yoga, pranayaama, and meditation not only give you physical but also mental and emotional health and this is true wealth.

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