
Efficient skills for women


In this seminar, you'll learn how to handle every difficult situation with poise and confidence. Discover how to keep unmanaged conflicts, disagreements and out-of-control emotions from harming your important working and personal relationship…

* How to stick to your guns and not back down on important issues
* How not to allow unresolved anger and resentment damage an important relationship
* Ways to banish anger and frustration when dealing with difficult people
* How to stop people from taking advantage of you
* And much more

In this seminar, you'll learn how to handle every difficult situation with poise and confidence. Discover how to keep unmanaged conflicts, disagreements and out-of-control emotions from harming your important working and personal relationships.

* Not all disagreements have to end in arguments—you'll learn proven strategies for constructive resolutions
* How to respond to someone who gives you "compliments" that sound more like insults
* The 6-step approach to win-win conflict resolution
* How to separate the 2 sides of every conflict—people and issues—and deal with each effectively
* Putting yourself in their shoes—how empathic listening helps you see both sides of the disagreement
* Practicing everyday conflict resolution skills
* 8 critical mistakes successful conflict managers never make
* Overcoming your personal stumbling blocks to agreement
* How to turn the points of disagreement into a framework for resolution
* How your personality affects the way you deal with conflict
* Choosing a conflict management style that fits the situation
* Conflict as a positive motivator: 7 benefits of a well-managed crisis
* Dealing with the 4 most common sources of conflict that lead to disagreements

Getting a grip on your own anger and emotions

* Accepting responsibility for your anger: You become angry, no one makes you angry
* How to understand what's really bugging you
* Chronic anger—recognizing the physical symptoms that warn when enough is enough
* How the appropriate expression of anger is a necessary step to resolving conflict
* Expressing yourself without accusation, sarcasm or hostility
* Graceful "exit lines" that allow you to postpone a confrontation until your emotions are under control
* 7 steps you can take to experience your feelings without acting them out
* Assertiveness, the anger antidote: How to ask for what you need—and get it
* How to stop playing old "hurt tapes" in your mind and substitute positive esteem-building images
* How to avoid tears when you're really angry—and what to do if you can't
* Safe ways to blow off steam without venting it on people
* "What's this really about?" How to get to the root of a problem instead of just battling the symptoms
* Recognizing how anger acts as a defense against feelings you don't want to feel

How to respond to others' anger

* How to validate someone's anger without fanning the flames
* One sure-fire way to let the situation cool down before trying to resolve it
* Avoiding words that act as "emotional triggers" when you're dealing with someone who's upset
* How to respond to a put-down without losing your temper
* How to quickly de-escalate an emotional confrontation with a boss or co-worker
* When confronting an angry person head-on may spell disaster
* How honesty and understanding will help you keep your cool when dealing with an out-of-control person
* Effective strategies for defusing an escalating argument
* How to make sure you're not "asking for" the very behavior from others you find hard to handle

Conflict communication skills

* How to overcome the feeling that negative feedback is a personal attack
* When negative feedback is justified: How to acknowledge your mistake without overapologizing
* The real differences between how men and women handle feedback and what we can learn from each other
* Idiolects, dialects, registers and genderlects: The surprising differences—and similarities—between how men and women communicate
* How to turn negative self-talk into positive affirmations
* How to recognize the difference between valid feedback and a personal put-down
* The common false assumptions about the differences between male and female communication styles
* How to avoid the 8 most common pitfalls to giving negative feedback
* A 4-step approach to delivering feedback that's specific, nonaccusatory and gets results
* Dismissing the belief that "criticism" and "disapproval" are synonymous
* How to address a chronic disagreement and arrive at a mutually acceptable action plan for resolution
* When positive strokes may be more effective than negative feedback in changing an undesirable behavior
* How you can reduce day-to-day hassles by establishing positive relationships with chronically difficult people

How to take care of yourself

* Weaving family, friends and co-workers into an emotional support system
* Relaxation skills you can master to control stress and relieve tension
* How to handle rejection and still feel good about yourself
* Setting your limits—how to say " No" without generating anger or guilt
* What to do when your body says "fight or flight" but neither is called for
* Getting rid of your fantasies of retribution that can do you more harm than the person you're mad



Jai jinendra.

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