
Peaceful mind

20 Peaceful Mind Development Activities

These peaceful mind personal development activities will give you enough tips to master complete inner peace.


No matter who you are or what you do, you cannot go wrong with meditation. It is the first and the most important step towards peaceful mind.

There are many types of meditation including mindfulness, mantra, breath and silence meditations. I am practising mantra meditation, but I know that most people concentrate on breathing. It really does not matter what style you choose. You should try some types to understand which one is right for you.

You should meditate twice a day for 20 minutes. 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes before the last meal. Meditation at these times gives most benefits.

2.Release negativity

Negative emotions disturb peaceful mind quicker than you think. Therefore you shouldn't let any negative thoughts settle in your mind. As soon as you notice a negative thought arising in you, eliminate it by placing a completely opposite thought instead.

3.Be alone

Being alone makes you rethink everything that is important to you. You start thinking for yourself and paying less attention to what those around you are saying. This is crucial for inner peace.

Being alone teaches you to rely on yourself and to make decisions that are best for you. This does not make you selfish, it just gets you focused on what you want in life.

4.Let go of anger

If you don't learn to let go of anger, you will never achieve inner peace. You should forgive and let go no matter what happened to you.

The damage that anger causes is huge. It disturbs your mind, gives birth to all diseases and hurts you soul. Never let anyone make you angry, they are just not worth it.

5.Be in the flow

By going with the flow I do not mean following the crowd. This I certainly do not recommend. By being in the flow I mean not resisting.

You shouldn't struggle against any obstacles in your life. There will always be ways to overcome them.

Your struggling nature makes things hard for you. If you could stop resisting and go with the flow, everything would be so much easier. You would achieve goals effortlessly and with peaceful mind.

6.Rethink negative emotions

Your negative emotions create depressing reality. You shouldn't let negative thoughts settle down in your mind because they are the weeds that need to be completely removed to achieve total peace. Try to always focus on the positive instead.

7.Follow your heart

Following your heart means respecting your soul. If you cannot decide between two things, choose the one that your heart feels better about. You will never be wrong going with such option.

Most people choose logic to heart. But logic is only a collection of our limited beliefs, it is not logical in itself. It is subjective.

8.Control your mind

You have a complete control over your mind. However, if you don't control your mind, someone else will control it for you. It may be your friends, colleagues, media or someone else that will take over this precious asset.

Always keep track of what your main thoughts are. You should think only about things you want to see in your life. You should never dwell on negative thoughts or indulge in negative emotions. This will only make things worse.

9.Think positive

Always think positively and allow only positive thoughts into your head. This way you will have a peaceful mind as there will be nothing left for you to worry about.

It may be hard for you to keep thinking positively if you are surrounded by negative people or circumstances. It this is the case, try to block them out of you life as much as possible.

I would advise to always keep the music player with you. As soon as you notice that something or someone affects you negatively, start listening to your favourite music. This way you will avoid any negative emotions impacting you.

Reading self-help books is also a good idea because it distances your mind from the unpleasant reality. This way your future will be created not based on what you see, but on what you think about.

10.Burn candles

You should have some lightly scented candles in your home. As soon as you notice that you are starting to worry about something, light them. They will create a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere and make your mind peaceful too.

11.Keep house tidy

If you have tidy home, you will have a peaceful mind. There is an exact correlation between these two.

12.Get organised

When you have clear goals and steps to take, there is no space left for random thoughts in your head. This creates assurance, confidence and peaceful mind.

If you have a home office, you should always clear your desk and have only essential bits and pieces that you use.

The same applies to other rooms in your home.

13.Plan your day

Having a clear agenda for a day is a real time saver and it creates peaceful mind. You feel purpose behind everything you do and you become more effective since deadlines keep you focused on important tasks.

Planning your day in advance also makes you disciplined and more committed to everything you do.

14.Use 80/20 rule

To achieve complete efficiency and eliminate useless activities you can try this amazing rule. Click here to read more about it. I've written a whole article about this principle. If you apply this rule, your mind will become peaceful as you will remove unnecessary thoughts and ideas from your head.

15.Avoid arguments

Once you are on a certain level of consciousness, arguing seems plainly pointless. It just hurts both sides and lowers consciousness immensely.

Arguing ruins your mood. No peace can be found in a person full of hatred and anger.

16.Understand mind chaos

To eliminate every possible reason for chaos in your mind, you firstly need to understand the cause of such chaos. Why does it happen? Here are some reasons:

Negative thinking. Negative thinking leads to negative emotions and thus your mood gets ruined.

Negative surroundings. It can include sad, depressed and disillusioned people and places.

Listening to others. People who listen to others never get ahead in life. You should to listen to yourself.

Living in messy surroundings.As I have mentioned before, chaotic surroundings equal chaotic mind.

17.Throw away useless things

Things that you don't use or rarely use serve only one purpose. They are there to create chaos in your mind. By eliminating all of the things that you don't use you will create space for peaceful mind.

After such a clean-up you will feel empowered and creative. This is all because you have taken back the energy that those things were consuming.

18.Become Disciplined

Once you become disciplined, you remove any possibility of chaos. Your mind starts working in an organised way. Your thoughts become purposeful, you don't get many random thoughts. And, of course, this creates peaceful mind.

19.Stop resisting

Follow the law of non-resistance. You shouldn't push against any problems in your life. If you do that, you will only create more of them.

Many people struggle to get what they want only because they choose to struggle. But there is no benefit in that. It is better to relax and expect only good things to come. You will be shown a way around the obstacles as soon as you need to overcome them.


Exercise is a good step towards peaceful mind as it teaches discipline. Discipline quietens your mind and removes chaos. However, this step is optional. You may achieve inner peace without this activity.


These steps will certainly help you achieve complete peace of mind. However, it is not enough just to read them. You should apply them to get the benefits. And the best time to do this is Now!

After reading 20 Peaceful Mind Activities you may decide to go back to the personal development review section for other great articles.


Jai jinendra.

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