
New year party at home

  1. Know who is coming; pick a group of friends who get along well so fights don’t break-out.

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    Pick a theme; nothing too over the top or it will be a mess and guest will be uncomfortable. Possibilities include a semi-formal or informal dance. Colors tend to make the affect, pick white, blue, and silver for something more formal. Bright reds, yellows, blues, and greens make it more of a just-for-fun party.
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    Talk to your peers and find out what their favorite music is (make sure there is no cursing or other guests may be put off by it). Use iTunes to make a playlist for the party, and make sure to get some slow songs so you can have that dance with that special someone.
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    Get together with a friend and make some decorations (or buy them from a party supply store). Have your friend help make a balloon arch, and help you prepare the room intended for the party. If you are using your garage or basement cover up anything you don’t want your guest seeing (a large bed sheet that matches your theme works well).
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    Make invitations with the party info. Example: You’re invited to a New Year’s dance, New Year's Eve at seven until the ball drops, (address). If you plan on serving food the easiest thing to do is pizza. Make a salad and buy a veggie platter serve chips and dip. Cookies or cake for dessert is enjoyable. Drinks can be soda, punch, or cider (if some or all of the guest are underage do not serve alcohol
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